Elusive Tactility

Elusive Tactility loops together the physicality of crochet and ceramic to question the balance between art, craft, and design. O'Meehan's functionless vessels ask more questions than they answer in a playful dialectic between form and lack of function. Organic in their bodies, O'Meehan's creations reflect the structure of flora in her world, pieces of which she gathers in her daily journeys.

A solo exhibition held at Paper Mountain in Northbridge, Perth, during the month on January in 2018.

"This work is so uniquely personal and personable. Talking to Holly about it, it’s pretty obvious that each work has become a character in her mind and it’s true that as you look at them, origin stories start to form and interrelations between different works start to behave almost as friendships or rivalries. These objects littered about the room as they are, in conversation with one another, perform art and design language in unison. They are a product of that cumbersome barrier that divides art from design on the merit of utility and beg the question; if you can’t use it does that make it an art?" written by Emma Bswell, as part of the catalogue essay for Elusive Tactility